Hello friends. I have some very exciting news! Starting today, "The Homemaking Fashionista" will have a co-writer! My good friend Adrianna is going to enlighten you with her immense knowledge on a subject that most homemaking fashionistas are quite interested in: thrifty child rearing! Obviously I can't give any advice on the kiddos since I have none of my own. Well, I could give advice but imagine it would all be wrong. When Bette Davis Jr. is annoying me I put her in the back yard. I guess you can't do that with kids. Anywho, Adrianna is the mother of a beautiful 18 month old little girl named, Olivia, whose hobbies include (but are not limited to) eating, pooping, talking, scowling, watching Nemo and sleeping.
Adrianna will also update on DIY tips, cleaning ideas, organizing suggestions and frugal YET gourmet meals! Seriously, fabulous meals that Juliet Child herself would gladly pull up a chair to your dining room table for, or TV tray in the living room.
Adrianna is a very busy lady. So don't expect to hear from her too many times a week. She is a full time mom, wife, student, Nobel Peace Prize award winning researcher, celebrity gossip aficionado and last but not least a Certified Nurses Aide.

As far as the "fashionista" part, Adrianna is somewhat lacking in the "style department," her words, not mine. Scrubs are only so stylish. But with the help of me, The Homemaking Fashionista, we plan to rectify her ways and lead her onto the road less traveled. Stay tuned....
Adrianna is very excited to be part of this blog. She looks forward to your feedback and comments as well as your suggestions for blog ideas. Keep us posted!