Here's how it worked: Caitee invited 10 people. She asked each person to make a mix CD of their favorite songs, make 10 copies and bring them to the party. Then everyone leaves with 10 new CDs! Isn't that a neat idea??
Despite the flaws, the party was a success! Great music, food and friends. Now if there had been a clown I think it would have been the party of the century. Possibly ever. So invite 10 of your closest friends over for a "Mix It Up Party," as Caitee so eloquently christened it. Encourage them to design creative cover art and include a track list.
Not bragging about my amazing musical taste/awesome mix CD skills, but here are our tracklists:
The Dustin & Sherylyn Mix: Volume I
- Innocence - Nero
- 1901- Phoenix
- Nature Song- Maria Taylor
- Monsters- Hurricane Bells
- Janglin- Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
- Cousins- Vampire Weekend
- Buggin'- The Flaming Lips
- Skinny Love- Bon Iver
- Midnight City- M83
- I Didn't Mean It- The Belle Brigade
- In The Lost And Found (Honky Bach)- Elliott Smith
- Can You Tell- Ra Ra Riot
- Bodysnatchers- Radiohead
- Turning Page- Sleeping At Last
- Treat Me Like Your Mother- The Dead Weather
- Coat Check Dream Song- Bright Eyes
- She's Long Gone- The Black Keys
- The Recluse- Cursive
- Lazy Eye- Silversun Pickups
- Where Is My Mind?- Pixies
The Dustin & Sherylyn Mix: Volume II
- The Suburbs- Arcade Fire
- Here I Dreamt I was an Architect- The Decemberists
- Your Retro Career Melted- The Faint
- The Most Beautiful Girl (In The Room)- Flight Of The Conchords
- Work- Jimmy Eat World
- Sofi Needs A Ladder - Deadmau5 Feat. Sofia Toufa
- Roslyn- Bon Iver And St Vincent
- A Diamond And A Tether- Death Cab For Cutie
- Be Here Now- Mason Jennings
- Say Please- Monsters of Folk
- Teen Angst- M83
- Sleepyhead- Passion Pit
- We Are Nowhere and It's Now- Bright Eyes
- Amsterdam- Peter Bjorn & John
- Houdini- Foster The People
- Campfire Kansas- The Get Up Kids
- We Will Become Silhouettes- The Postal Service
- Hearing Damage- Thom Yorke
- January Wedding- The Avett Brothers
There were a couple of repeat tracks spread throughout all of the mixes at the party. For example, our friend Sean also had 1901 by Phoenix on his mix. And Caitee had January Wedding by The Avett Brothers at the top of her track list. And the number of Decemberist songs in all the mixes added up came to a grand total of 5! But we agreed that at least the band will be well represented.
Sounds like a fun party!